Pooch avoids dog house

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Pooch avoids dog house

Apopular Millicent dog was literally heading to the dog house after he damaged a favourite garment belonging to his owner.

Bolt is a black and white border collie and is regularly walked around the Millicent CBD by Megan Tilley.

“‘I thought I’d lost my favourite green jumper when Bolt recently tore a hole in it with his claw,” Megan said.

“Not so, thanks to the Millicent Repair Cafe and the wonderful darning talents of Pat Muhovics.”

The Millicent Repair Cafe is on trial for six sessions only and is supported by Wattle Range Council.

At the latest session, a new handle was fitted to a garden fork and also to a pastry cutter.

The concept of a Millicent Repair Café arose from a meeting of Wattle Range Council’s climate change consultative committee as a way to keep damaged and stolen items from going to the dump.

Expertise is provided by members of the Millicent Men’s Shed and the Millicent Arts and Crafts Group and they encourage participants to learn new skills,

The next sessions are on May 18, June 15, July 13 and August 10 from 10am until 12noon at the Millicent Men’s Shed, 2C Fifth Street, Millicent.

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