Port MacDonnell sailors race to seaside

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Port MacDonnell sailors race to seaside

Warm weather and plenty of wind welcomed the Port MacDonnell Sailing Club members back to the water on the weekend for the second half of their season.

Five boats of varying classes took to the water to sail the two races designated by Race Officer Jennifer Jones.

She and committee boat driver David Jones set a traditional triangle-loop-triangle course for the boats to sail.

The first boat across the line in a fabulous start was Austral20 Papillon with Mack Ferguson at the helm.

Close behind them was the other Austral20, Steve Dyble’s Minty.

Despite the Australs having the best start, it did not take long for the faster boats to catch up and overtake them during the course of the race.

The fastest boat racing was Billy 2, with Nick Watson on board, taking a first across the finish line.

The next fastest boat, Don McLennan’s Sonata Harmony, crossed the finishing line approximately 12.5 minutes behind the quick little catamaran.

The second race was started shortly after the end of the first one.

The winds had shifted directions slightly but had stayed the same strength out on the water.

Minty had a picture perfect start to the race, with Billy 2 close behind.

Minty was not able to hold the lead for long as Billy 2 was able to dart ahead.

The race officer shortened the course during the race, removing the loop and making race two just two triangles.

Billy 2 was able to hold onto the lead for the entire race and once more took line honours in race two.

In a repeat of the first race, Harmony was again the second boat to finish racing.

The club finished off a great day back on the water with a dinner at club sponsor the Victoria Hotel. 

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