Regional GPs awarded

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Regional GPs awarded

Three Mount Gambier GPs at two of the city’s medical clinics have been awarded grants from the Cancer Council SA to receive a fully funded dermatoscope to help detect skin cancer early and save lives.

Dr Shivani Gulati and Dr Timothy Harrison from Hawkins Medical Clinic and Ferrers Medical Clinic’s Dr Hannah Thompson are among 30 South Australia GPs to be awarded the devices to detect skin cancer early.

A dermatoscope is a specialised microscope for the skin, which allows doctors to look more closely at spots on the skin.

This improves early detection of skin cancer, resulting in more lives saved and less unnecessary procedures.

Cancer Council SA’s Dermoscopy Grant provides GPs in locations around South Australia where there is a higher rate of skin cancer, including regional areas, with the knowledge and tools to help identify skin cancer and improve outcomes in these communities.

Cancer Council SA Prevention and Advocacy Manager Christine Morris said skin cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australia, with two in three Australians diagnosed with some form of skin cancer before the age of 70.

“In 2020,860 South Australians were diagnosed with melanoma, and we know that regional South Australians have a higher chance of developing melanoma compared to those who live in metropolitan areas,” Christine said.

“That’s why it’s important that GPs in high-risk communities receive up to date training and resources to detect skin cancer early.”

“We hope that this program will help to save South Australian lives.”

Cancer Council SA recommends checking your whole body regularly for changes to any existing spots such as size, shape, colour or texture; and any sores that itch, bleed, or do not heal.

If you notice any changes, see your GP immediately.

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