Second hand book shop finds new Millicent home

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Second hand book shop finds new Millicent home

Aprominent service club has recently reopened Millicent’s sole second-hand bookstore at yet another location.

The Lions Club of Wattle Range Lioness bookshop is still in George Street and is now located in the former antiques shop opposite St Michael and All Angels Anglican Church.

The shop was closed for around three months to prepare for its sixth home.

All the money raised through the shop over almost a decade has helped to fund the work the club does for the local community.

It is also able to make grants to charities, causes and community groups.

Thanks to the generosity of donors and buyers and the volunteer labour, tens of thousands of dollars have been raised over the past nine years.

The book store has become a tourist attraction in its own right and its celebrity customers have included Adelaide media identity Peter 

In order to maximise its returns, the Lions Club of Wattle Range Lioness has always sought premises where there is either no rent payable or the space is available on very favourable terms.

The down side to such an arrangement is that long-term leases are not in place and so the book shop only stays in the one location for an average of about two years.

After being a pop-up stall at some Geltwood Markets dating back to 2015, the bookstore has had five other bricks-and-mortar homes.

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