Shadow Minister visits region

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Shadow Minister visits region

Shadow Minister for Regional South Australia Nicola Centofanti MLC (pictured) visited the Limestone Coast last week.

Ms Centofanti spent much of the week in the South East meeting with local farmers, producers and business owners.

“Foot and mouth disease was certainly the number one issue raised with me, particularly the importance of remaining vigilant and the need for State and Federal Government action to help prevent any incursion to our shores,” she said.

“Prevention is much better than cure and there was widespread support for increased biosecurity measures at our airports including 100% individual luggage inspection rate for incoming flights from Indonesia and a national cull of feral animals.

“I also enjoyed informative discussions with a range of stakeholders, including the local Mayor, the team at the Limestone Coast Landscape Board, Women in Business and the Chamber of Commerce.

“The South East has a rich forestry community and it was wonderful to spend time with representatives from Timberlink, One-Forty-One and SFM.”

Ms Centofanti toured the Timberlink site to learn about the new CLT/GLT plant which received funding support from the former Liberal Government.

“Walking through some of the forests under SFM management, it was great to learn first-hand the issues the industry faces,” she said.

“The South East is an incredible South Australian jewel bursting with potential for those wanting to start or further their career, enjoy a country lifestyle, or grow their farm or business. But like many regional communities they are facing challenges around water allocation, access to health services, training and skills, as well as housing and cost of living pressures.

“I look forward to continuing to meet and work with residents in the South East and all regional communities to meet the challenges together and capitalise on the opportunities our great state has to offer.”

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