Sky-high costs threaten traditional New Year’s fireworks

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Sky-high costs threaten traditional New Year’s fireworks

An online poll has found that 90% of respondents want Beachport’s iconic New Year’s Eve fireworks to continue despite a steep rise in staging costs.

For over two decades, the Beachport District Development Association has engaged contractors to light up Rivoli Bay on December 31 each year.

Spectacular pyrotechnics displays have been launched from the jetty at 9.30pm and midnight much to the delight of thousands who have lined the shore and other vantage points.

The costs have been met by donations, Wattle Range Council grants and the profits raised by the BDDA at its thrice-yearly street markets and annual duck race at the Pool of Siloam.

However, the figure quoted to stage the 2022 New Year’s Eve fireworks appears prohibitive and well above the sum paid by the Millicent Show Society for its 2021 display.

The BDDA asked member Heather Burdon to stage an online poll via her “Beachport Community” Facebook page.

“Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Beachport District Development Association, has been unable to stage the New Year’s Eve fireworks display for the past couple of years,” Ms Burdon said.

“On making inquiries for the 2022/23 celebration it has sadly been brought to our attention the cost for the two firework sessions we had enjoyed in past years, has doubled.

“We need feedback from all in the community, tourists and visitors alike as to whether we should be outlaying $20,000 to $25,000 for New Year’s Eve fireworks, which is impossible for the association to do without a lot of financial assistance.”

Her poll also asks respondents to indicate a preference for a single show at either 9.30pm or midnight.

Furthermore, the BDDA is asking for an indication of likely donors from the general public.

Ms Burdon said it was possible the BDDA might seek corporate backing for the fireworks or set up a GoFundMe fundraising website.

“The BDDA does have some funds but we like to support other projects in Beachport as well,” she said.

“For example, we have donated $2000 towards the cost of staging the Beachport Crayfish Festival on March 5.

“As part of the feedback, we are seeking other suggestions for community events at Beachport for New Year’s Eve.

“These will be considered by the BDDA.”

Ms Burdon is well aware of the pulling power of the fireworks and their ability to attract visitors to the north end of Rivoli Bay.

Her poll closes in the coming days.

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