Sound donation boosts hospital patient support

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Sound donation boosts hospital patient support

Patients at Millicent Hospital are directly benefitting from a remarkable charity concert staged at Furner.

A new hoverjack was purchased with the $10,000 in funds raised from the Fanny Lumsden concert held at the Furner Hall in July 2022 as part of the Country Halls Tour.

The Wattle Range Hospital Auxiliary arranged for the national recording artist and her four-piece band to perform a stunning two-hour show at the Furner Community Hall.

Auxiliary president Toni McGrath said the concert proceeds included generous community sponsorship.

Ms McGrath said her members were happy to meet the costs of the hoverjack.

“Auxiliaries across the region are able to purchase items that would not be in the budget of hospitals, but assist patients and staff in patients care,” Ms McGrath said.

“The hoverjack air patient lift allows nursing staff to lift people safely to either a bed or stretcher and can be inflated to whatever height is needed.

“The hoverjack was demonstrated at the regional gathering at Millicent in May.

“Every year the hospital auxiliaries in the South East take it in turns hosting a gathering where we learn about what each hospital and their fundraising efforts.”

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