Tag: radio station

Station quiz night music to the ears

Music buffs will have the opportunity to show off their knowledge and raise funds for a Millicent community group on March 23.
Community radio station...

Station seeks permanent licence

AMillicent not-for-profit community group submitted vital paperwork to a Federal Government agency on Friday.
The Australian Communications and Media Authority had invited applications for a...

Radio station quiz night drums up sound response

Amajor fundraiser to benefit the Millicent community radio station 5THE FM has been hailed a success with thousands of dollars raised in raffles and...

Wave of station support

Record numbers have nominated to take part in the first major fundraiser for the revived Millicent community radio station 5THE-FM. After an absence of around...

Garage sale draws in bargain hunters

Millicent’s largest garage sale of 2023 recently provided a welcome boost to the coffers of the Millicent Craft Group. Eager bargain hunters poured over the...

Radio station debt waived

Millicent community radio station 5THE FM has had a $20,000 debt waived and has secured a temporary licence to resume regular broadcasts. Both pieces of...

Radio announcer makes waves

Millicent resident Emma Clay recently fulfilled a long-held ambition when she got behind the microphone at a radio station. After a period of intense training,...

Step forward for radio station

Millicent community radio station 5THE FM has crossed another hurdle as it moves towards resumption of regular broadcasting. Management committee chairman David Walshaw (pictured) said...

Railway relic discovered

Anear century-old relic of railway history has recently been found during a clean-up of a Millicent property. It is the key which is understood to...

Radio station strengthened

Millicent community radio station 5THE FM continues to grow in strength with the addition of a 10th on-air announcer. Management committee chairman David Walshaw got...

Millicent radio station debt halved

The new management of Millicent community radio station 5THE-FM has more than halved the $100,000 debt incurred under the previous regime. Chairman David Walshaw and...

Radio station probe continues

Federal and state regulators are continuing to probe the multiple complaints lodged about the management and governance of Millicent community radio station 5THE FM. They...

Concerned residents take legal action

The services of a Mount Gambier law firm have been engaged by a group of concerned Millicent residents who are seeking action at the...

Millicent radio station governance pursued

Action on a range of governance issues at the Millicent community radio station 5 THE-FM is still being pursued by an informal group of...