Vets honour teed up

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Vets honour teed up

Agood crowd turned out for the South East Veterans Golf event in Mount Gambier.

Seventy-three players came from around the region, with plenty of good scoring on the day.

Local lad Peppi Pace took out first division on his first outing with the vets, scoring 39 points.

Another local Chris Gabriel and Peter DeLaine from Robe finished with 38, taking the minor places.

Second division went to Beachport’s Wayne “Wombat” Peters with a lovely 40 points.

Ever reliable “Lucky” Lyndsay Copeman was runner up with 37 from Bordertown’s Graham Pilgrim on 36.

The prestigious Ross Orchard trophy was won by Graham Paterson and Jimmy Hyland, and nearest the pins were won by Graham Pilgrim, Wayne Dunford and Peter Miller.

Peter DeLaine capped off a good day by taking home the Scotch.

The group’s next game is at the Kingston course on February 5, followed by Robe on February 19.

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