Young environmental leaders take action

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Young environmental leaders take action

Young Environmental Leaders have again been inspired to take action for environmental change.

A new cohort of leaders met recently for the first time as part of the Young Environmental Leaders Program (YELP).

Hosted by the Limestone Coast Landscape Board, 52 passionate students have embarked on their Young Environmental Leader Program (YELP) journey for 2024.

The students will meet four times on country for the year to discuss various landscape management topics, with the first event held at the Naracoorte Caves National Park.

Landscape Education Coordinator Vanessa Freebairn said it was great to start this year’s program.

“It is always exciting to meet the new cohort of students that have joined the program wanting to learn more about their local environment and how to improve it,” she said.

“YELP is an important platform for youth action and provides a fantastic opportunity for students to meet like-minded peers.”

The students toured Alexandra Cave and learnt about the critically endangered Southern Bent-wing bat and the challenges faced by the species in the region.

After discussions on biodiversity and threatened species the students explored new ideas for sustainability projects and planned out implementation with their peers and teachers.

Students will choose a project to focus on for the duration of the program involving their school community.

Looking ahead to the second forum, scheduled for mid-year, it will feature the Earthkeeper Camp, providing students with further opportunities to explore and deepen their connection to the environment.

If you would like more information on the Young Environmental Leaders Program (YELP) visit or call the Limestone Coast Landscape Board on (08) 8429 7550.

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