Field Day success

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Field Day success

The 44th annual South East Field Days at Lucindale on Friday and Saturday have been hailed a success despite the unseasonal hot weather causing a slight dip in attendances.

Field Days secretary Nicole Crosby said the final gate numbers were still being tallied but the event had to compete with others and this had also affected its numbers.

She said 484 exhibitors were on site and planning was already under way for the 2025 Field Days on March 21 and 22.

“The Field Days have always been a special project of the Lucindale Lions Club,” she said.

“We are always on the look-out for new attractions and we had horse-drawn carriage rides this year.

“They were popular and the $5 ride fee was quite affordable.

“A memorable event on Saturday was the presence of almost 100 motorcyclists who paid tribute to late Lucindale police officer Jason Doig.

“He died on duty last year and his own motorbike was used.

“Known as the Wall to Wall Ride, we were approached by organiser Mike Klose to take part.

“We thought it was another way of honouring Jason.

“A guard of honour was formed and the whole event was well received.”

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