The Furner Community Hall will be filled with wannabe Albert Einsteins on May 25 for a charity quiz night.
With quizmaster Tammy Walker posing the questions, there will be plenty of fun to be had.
It is a fundraiser for local identity Bec Hurst who is one of the Swinging with the Stars dancers for 2024.
They are raising money for the Limestone Coast Stand Like Stone Foundation.
Her focus is the Poppy Crozier Memorial Education sub-fund which will provide scholarships for tertiary students.
Poppy lived on a farm near Keith and lost her life at the age of 19 in a road crash on the Dukes Highway at Ki Ki in 2023.
There will be additional fundraising events for Bec up until June 22 when they all dance at The Barn.
They include a charity screening of the rom/com film “The Fall Guy” at Robe on May 17.