Libs’ incumbent faces internal party challenge

Libs’ incumbent faces internal party challenge

It appears the contest for Liberal Party pre-selection for the Federal seat of Barker has only attracted two nominations in sitting MP Tony Pasin and registered nurse Katherine McBride.

Both camps have told The SE Voice they are unaware of any other nominations by the April 3 deadline and they are awaiting the announcement of the date and venue of the electoral college by the Liberal Party State Executive.

It will comprise hundreds of Liberal Party members in the Barker electorate of at least 12 month’s standing along with a State Executive contingent.

Both Ms McBride and Mr Pasin were prominent on social media over the weekend.

The official Facebook page of Nick McBride MP showed himself and his wife Katherine McBride making tomato relish in the kitchen of their Conmurra Station between Millicent and Kingston.

Mr Pasin posted a “selfie” of three generations of his family taken after Easter Day Mass at St Paul’s Catholic Church in Mount Gambier.

Meanwhile, veteran political commentator Matthew Abraham has reflected on the Barker contest in the InDaily online news journal.

Mr Abraham pointed out the recent electoral defeats for the Liberal Party in the New South Wales State election and the Aston by-election.

“There’s a nice little Liberal factional bunfight about to kick off in the South East,” he said.

“If the Liberals really are worried about losing the trust of people, if they really want to ‘reconnect’, maybe they could just stop fighting among themselves.

“Instead of battles, start worrying about the battlers.

“It’s got to be worth a try.”

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