Millicent bowlers make last dash for the finish line

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Millicent bowlers make last dash for the finish line

With only one week of competition to go before the Millicent Night Owls bowlers have their free barbecue and presentation night on March 20, there is not much time left for the last dash to the finish line.

Thank you to all the teams who turned up to support the Flying Doctors fundraiser on March 3, iIt was a great turnout.

Winners in Red Division were Mossies (Garry Wilson, Graham Abbott, Peter Hyland, Jim Hyland) who defeated Grand Hotel 30+13.

Other winners were Somerset Legends 28+6, Rovers 27+5, Awesome Foursome and Untouchables having a draw.

In Blue Division Somerset Seniors (Jeremy Kenny, Rodney Horne, Robert Leslie, Ian Grosser) and Rams (Richard North, Eddie Hann, Henny Gybers, John Shelton) both had a draw on 28+12.

Other winners were Birdies 28+4, Max’s Four 27+4.

The White Division featured Easy Beats (Ted Hamilton Jack Lane, Bradley Slape, Cameron Slape) defeating Lion Cubs 29+14.

Other winners were Miss Fitts 29+6, Gizzies Crew 28+7, Try Hards 27+9, with X Factor and Scrappers having a draw 16+0 and 18+0.

Touches: Graham Doyle (Bits & Pieces) 3, Rodger Buckmaster (Rovers) 3, Graham Abbott 4.

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