Tag: speed limit

Speedy decision

The speed limit on the approach to the Southend township will not be changed by a State Government agency in the short term and...

Speed limits slashed

The 80kph speed limit on two sections of road on the outskirts of Mount Gambier on Lake Terrace East and O’Leary Road has been...

Beach speed locked down

The grace period for speeding motorists on South Australian beaches has now ended and offenders face fines of up to $1734 as well as...

Beach safety boost

Vehicles on Long Beach at Robe are about to be restricted to 25kph when they are within 50m of pedestrians. The statewide changes to speed...

Lower beach speed limits make splash

Significantly lower speed limits may be enforced along local coastlines as part of a State Government review to improve beach safety. Community members were invited...

Speed concerns raised

The first step has been taken in a bid to reduce the speed limit on a rural road at Tantanoola. A local resident residing on...