A32-year-old Mount Gambier woman has been convicted for her tenth offence of driving whilst disqualified or suspended. Jacqueline Alicia Tickner appeared in the Mount Gambier...
AMount Gambier man has plead guilty to cultivating up to the prescribed number of cannabis plants. The defendant faced the Mount Gambier Magistrates court unrepresented...
AMount Gambier Magistrate expressed her concerns last week of the difficulty faced by the less vulnerable amid the rising cost of living. The comments were...
Anumber of people faced the Mount Gambier Magistrates Court in front of Magistrate Koula Kossiavelos last week accused of driving whilst disqualified or suspended. Seven...
Mount Gambier residents have added their voices to the global groundswell of opposition to historic law changes in the United States of America, denying...
The man accused of murdering Mount Gambier grandmother Rachel Martin will stand trial in the Supreme Court in August.
Luke Raymond Simpson, 35, was charged...