Tag: vaccine

State unlocked to nation

South Australia’s borders swing open to the rest of the nation today, leaving many locals concerned about the imminent seeding of COVID-19 infections. Member for...

Aged care facility access restricted

Further COVID-related access restrictions will apply across South Australian aged care facilities from the eve of the festive season. The new State Government directions will...

State borders prepare to reopen

Premier Steven Marshall yesterday started outlining the way forward once SA’s borders open next week. November 23 will see borders open to NSW, Victoria and...

Walk-up vaccine clinic supported

Despite little mainstream media promotion, more than 20 local residents received COVID vaccinations at a walk-up clinic at Mount Burr last week. An SA Health...

Additional vaccine site 
pop up across region

COVID-19 vaccinations will be made available in more than 50 additional South Australian schools, including several in the Limestone Coast, to make it easier...

COVID vaccine reaches homeless

More than 50 people were immunised against COVID-19 recently when pop-up vaccination clinics were held to ensure people experiencing or at risk of homelessness...

Tech help to prepare for COVID changes

For the next fortnight Glenelg Libraries branches will assist community members in downloading their COVID-19 vaccination data and linking it to their relevant accounts. Drop-in...

New location for vaccination clinic

The former Millicent veterinary clinic is now being used as a temporary COVID vaccination clinic. The Millicent Hospital COVID-19 vaccination clinic has moved to the...

Services stay open

Community members can be assured they will still be able to access Glenelg Shire Council services and facilities, regardless of their current vaccination status. New...

Manufacturer rolls up sleeves to boost vaccinations

Free COVID vaccinations are being offered to employees, contractors and the general public at the Kimberly-Clark Australia Millicent Mill. Mill manager Adam Carpenter said the...

Vaccine hub speculated

Speculation continues about the establishment of a dedicated COVID vaccine hub in Millicent. The SE Voice understands the State Government has been in successful negotiations...

Grant District seeks vaccine rate credibility investigation

Labelled as having one of the nation’s lowest vaccination rates has Grant District Council seeking an investigation into the figures’ credibility.   Mayor Richard Sage is...

School vaccination program rolled out

Two Mount Gambier high schools have been included in a school-based COVID-19 immunisation program to be rolled out to selected schools this term. Pop-up vaccination...

Vaccine demand surge

There appears to be growing frustration and demand for easier access to COVID vaccinations, according to a local pharmacist. Pharmacist Jen Maloney has been in...

Mill to provide on-site vaccines

The 400 employees and contractors at the Kimberly-Clark Australia Millicent Mill are set to have on-site COVID vaccinations. Company and SA Health spokespersons have both...