Unseasonable weather creates Coonawarra ‘vintage like no other’

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Unseasonable weather creates Coonawarra ‘vintage like no other’

Vignerons have declared the 2024 vintage in the Coonawarra is unlike any other in the modern era.

Coonawarra Vignerons’ executive officer Hugh Koch said the growing season was set up by an El Nino influence with a warmer and drier preceding winter which resulted in early budburst and start to the season.

“Then, unexpectedly, Coona-warra had cooler and wetter weather in late spring and early summer resulting in good shoot growth and healthy canopies,” he said.

“There were some minor frost events throughout spring, but frost protection effectively mitigated fruit and vine damage.

“This cold wet weather in November and December, throughout flowering and fruit set resulted in low to moderate 

“The early onset of an incredibly strong Bonney Upwelling off the Limestone Coast (a local oceanographic phenomenon that drops ocean surface temperature considerably and restrains temperatures across the region) moderated the weather and had a particular impact on the night temperature through December and well into the new year.”

Mr Koch said January brought changing weather patterns and warm and dry conditions with cool nights were optimal for quality in the ripening phase.

“Coonawarra experienced mild to warm and dry conditions, punctuated with bursts of heat leading into harvest, without any unwanted rain,” he said.

“Vintage was slightly earlier than average with the majority of reds harvested throughout late March and April.

“Vintage 2024 points to another exceptional vintage with lovely firm acidity in the whites and a strong red wine vintage.

“Very intense colours, bold tannins and depth of varietal fruit flavours are early indicators of a vintage of the highest quality, translating into wines that have excellent cellaring potential.”

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