Plates shared for good cause

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Plates shared for good cause

Donated home-grown potatoes, pumpkins and onions are being converted into a delicious soup for a good cause in Millicent this week.

After the soup is made by volunteers at the Millicent RSL Hall, it will be ready for distribution today.

A second weekly “free food” initiative started in Millicent last month.

The newly-formed Millicent Shares a Plate group provides refrigerated serves of soup and bread rolls each Thursday for those in need at the Millicent IGA supermarket. The bread rolls are donated by Andy’s Bakery.

This community outreach act by Millicent Shares a Plate is in addition to the 60 free meals which are provided each Monday night at this venue by supermarket manager and New Heaven restaurant chef Sukhi Dhaliwal.

Millicent Shares a Plate was formed three months ago and comprises dozens of volunteers from Millicent and district who are arranged on a roster into five cooking teams.

The group has been buoyed by donations of cash and goods.

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