Alocal primary school has added a splash of colour to its school values with a recently unveiled mural located under the verandah of its breakfast club/kitchen area.
The Melaleuca Park Primary School mural was painted by Creatives owners Pariya Ziakas and Ruth Stephenson in collaboration with student drawings.
Students at the school were asked to visually interpret the Melaleuca Park Primary School values to be kind, work hard and dream big.
Ruth said they sifted through the drawings and selected the ones with the strongest visual elements.
“There was repetition as well so we were seeing the same themes repeated … from reception right through,” she said.
“There were a couple of very individual ideas, one of them was the little pencil people, they’re not quite the same as the child interpreted them but that is where that concept came from.
“The t-shirts the pencils are wearing are the school t-shirts and the little children are representative of the type of children that go to the school.
“It was painted majority in school time so kids could see it being done.
“They were certainly able to view the process, watch what happened and get involved so that was great.”
Pariya said the children loved having ownership of the colourful artwork.
“They feel like it’s theirs and they’re really proud of it,” she said.
“The whole mural itself came directly from the students so it was the ideas of the students and then we just interpreted it.
“We intentionally made it really bright and colourful as well because it appeals to young children.
“They’re there for such a long period of time at school so to be able to have something like that they can look at and interact as well I think is important.”